Super Trekkers Pune

Super Trekkers Page created – 24 November 2021 D801, Pittie Kourtyard, Kharadi, Pune, Maharashtra 411014 088550 70606 8855070606 / 9881499913 -- 2025 Address : Pune Office: Super Trekkers, Kharadi Pune -411013 , Maharashara Shaveta Gupta Owner/Managing Director Yogesh Gupta Chief Operation Officer Manjunath M @manjunath1958 Supper Trekker is a non-profit cost sharing and volunteering based organization founded by avid trekkers, professionals from IT and non IT fields who love nature and enjoy doing the unexpected. We are passionate about travel, and would love to help you plan your next adventure. This group is formed with the sole purpose to ignite passion of trekking and adventure among the nature lovers. All those nature lovers, join us and together we wi...