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M3 Yatrik

Contact -
Subodh Hattarki -9930887501 (GPay,PhonePay,BHIM)
Pushkar Bapat - 9892417607 (GPay,BHIM,PayTM)
Archis Pednekar - 8369651569 (GPay)

M3 Yatrik
Subodh Hattarki -
Archis Pednekar -
Pushkar Bapat -

Page created – 14 February 2017

M3 Yatrik is founded by youngsters from mumbai who has endless passion for travel.The 'M3' stands for three fundamental elements air ,water and soil of our mother earth for which we have a lot of respect.The Sanskrit word 'Yatrik' means traveller.We will be conducting treks,tours,cycling and other adventurous/social activities through this group.वैविध्यतेने नटलेल्या आपल्या भारतातल्या पर्यटनाच्या विकासात आमचाही हातभार लागेल अशीच आमची ईच्छा आहे.आई भवानीची कृपा व शिवरायांचे आशीर्वाद सोबत घेऊनच आम्ही पर्यटन क्षेत्रात प्रवास करु.Please join us !


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