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Wild Jaunters

Call Wild Jaunters : Advait 8983409634 , Vishal 9922525485, Rishikaysh 9028974791

संपर्क -
अद्वैत ८९८३४०९६३४ ( बाणेर वाकड औध बावधन परिसर )
विशाल : ९९२२५२५४८५ ( पिंपरी , चिंचवड, निगडी परिसर )
सनी ९५९५७६२५७६ ( पुणे शहर मध्यवर्ती भाग )
Advaita Khatavkar 8983409634
Wild Jaunters is the forum for adventure enthusiasts, trekkers, mountaineers, climbers, cyclists, motorcycle riders and travelers from all the age groups. We work to develop the spirit of adventure , adventure travelling & cycling. Our aims are to make the best of the verity of terrain around different parts of country and the weekends we get throughout the year, while having the greatest fun possible. While our stock activities are Trekking , Travelling ,Mountain cycling, Road cycling, Motorbike Riding & Camping we also organize Jungle safaris , River Rafting & Photography trips sporadically.


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