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Nisarg Premi निसर्ग प्रेमी pune

Nisarg Premi निसर्ग प्रेमी
90, Shitole States, Flat No 1, Opposite Gadgil School, Shaniwar Peth, Pune.
Pune, Maharashtra 411030

079729 36635
077440 63307
084218 39550
490, Shitole Estate, Flat No 1, Opposite Gadgil School
Shaniwar Peth, Pune
Pune, Maharashtra 411050

*For Registration & more details:*
📞 Sameer 7744063307
📞 Adv. Firoj Sir 9890670717
📞 Abhishek 8605508292
📞 Pravin 8421839550
📞 Rahul 9890691072
📞 Uttam 9657181570
📞 Ganesh 9890329879
📞 Deepika 8975366331
📞 Tejal 9595723238
📞 Sonali 7387678499
📞 Harshala 9028064900

Nisarg Premi that is Nature Lovers, a  group formed specially for nature lovers and people who are passionate to explore the nature, to visit new places, historical places and who loves nature very much same like us. Started in 2015 by two founders and now we proud to have our team of five very talented and legendary people in their work-life. Let’s have a glance on our very talented and enthusiastic team.

Mr. Sameer Shaikh, Founder & President
The man with simplicity in lifestyle and having great thinking for society, nature and environment. Software Engineer by profession but the trekker inside him, made him not to seat in home on weekends as he used to going for treks from his childhood. He has done lot of treks in Sahyadri mountain specially in south, west and middle part of Maharashtra. Trekking, social service is his passion.

  Mr. Abhishek Kulkarni, Founder & Vice President
The youngest, enthusiastic, talented and more creative member of the team. He is the person having versatile personality. Though he is Software Developer by profession but trekking is in his genes by birth and die-heart fan of Sahyadri mountain. Trekking, Image editing, photography, traveling, poster making, driving, dancing, playing the tabla are his passions.

Adv. Firoj Tamboli, Legal Adviser
The man who is living legendary life. Like a coin has two sides, similarly he is very talented advocate in his profession and even more passionate in trekking and history. One of the studious historicist, having very huge collection of old coins, historical books and having deep respect and love for Sahyadri mountain. Senior in age but younger in enthusiasm. Truly inspirational !!

Mr. Pravin Somvanshi, Head Organiser
Ordinary people have blood in their cells but Pravin has energy in his cells. The person who never get tired and does not make other tired. Very energetic, most talented person in the team. Photography is his love and the first one is trekking. IT Engineer by profession, he managed his deep love for Sahyadri by joining our team and helping us to make others fall in love with Sahyadri mountain.

Mr. Rahul Kore, Secretary
The man doing superb job in educational field. Love for nature, history, Sahyadri mountain and trekking. Always ready to help in any subject. Very informative, having deep knowledge of education system. Printing Engineer by profession and running his own job of publication on his own. One of the great pillar of team Nisarg Premi.


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