ZA Adventures
zygote adventures
Mobile Number : 9594213114
Whats App: 9619051590
You ca reach out to us 8879879702 just in case you would like to talk about
a) Your group name :- ZYGOTE ADVENTURE
b) Your group Facebook page :-
c) Link to Facebook event which has full details :-
d) Your group website(optional) :- WWW.ZYGOTEADVENTURE.IN
e) You need to send you details of your groups
Criteria /Eligibility
1 > The group needs to have a group with a formal group name .
2> Have completed more than 10 local treks on their Facebook page
Photos for each/most of the treks done.
(trek leader back ground check )+ two references from our list of existing groups (2 References)
Images included in email .
3> For groups leaders starting groups from existing groups.
We require an undertaking from certain groups who have had arguments/disputes with us or other groups
(do not contact us if you do not fulfill this condition)
Not associated with anyother group
f) Date group started (optional) :-
Year September 2010
g) Number of treks done till now :-
Around 50 plus
h) Name of trek leaders :-
Links to treks leaders profiles on facebook :-
i) Qualifications of trek leaders :-
(number of treks done till now,any trekking qualification NIM,HMI etc)
1> Sagar Hande GGIM Insitute :
2> Saurabh Hande ABHIMAS Insitute :
3> Swapnil Navale GGIM Insitute :
4> Prathamesh Gunjal NIM Insitute :
4> Ashwini Wade : GGIM Insitute :
above are few of trek leads
j)Names of founders (if different from trek leaders) :-
Sagar Hande
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