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Friends Of Nature Association - Pune

Enquiry and Booking:
Suparna Gaikwad:- 9503140631
Jay Gore:- 7769955501
Neeraj Sahi:- 94232 53591
Nirmala Vhatkar:- 9623867691
Amit Shilimkar:- 9763023363
Deepak Shirsath:- 9404180231
Mahesh Mahajan:- 9822458440
Amit Potdar:- 9021875940
Sunil Godse:- 9922401834

Enquiry and Booking:
Suparna Gaikwad:- 9503140631
Mahesh Mahajan:- 9822458440
Jay Gore:- 7769955501
Neeraj Sahi:- 94232 53591
Nirmala Vhatkar:- 9623867691
Amit Shilimkar:- 9763023363
Hari: 9421011962
Amit Potdar:- 9021875940
Sunil Godse:- 9922401834

Amit Shilimkar :- 9763023363
Friends Of Nature Association FONA Pune

Reach Us

Nisarg Abhyasika, Yashawant Nagar, Talegaon Dabhade, Pune-410507, Maharashtra, India

Amit Potdar (President)
Mobile: 9422328715. Alternate Mobile: 9021875940
july 2018
Vivek Ramayane:- 9890500226
Kedar Gore:- 9420171944
Amit Potdar:- 9021875940
Suparna Gaikwad:- 9503140631
Sanjay Nikalaje:- 9922114424
Rohit Nagalgaon:- 8888075707
Sunil Godse:- 9922401834
Jay Gore:- 7769955501

Mahesh Mahajan:- 9822458440

Contact Person :
1) Mandar Tharval : 9922401793
2) Rohit Nagalgaon : 888075707
3) Manoj Rane : 9689904863 (Nigadi)

4) Mahesh Mahajan : 9822458440.

Friends Of Nature Association
FONA is a non-profit making, Non-Government Organization (NGO) that is registered and run by a group of totally dedicated nature lovers and experts. We, the members of the organization, firmly believe that we can stop destruction of environment, wildlife and nature through imparting of education to people. Hence, our slogan is “Conservation Through Education”.
We conduct educational programs for tribal, students, teachers, and various segments of society at our cost. We also take legal steps against illegal trades and practices that are detrimental to the cause of environment and nature conservation.
The tree plantation activity, which we conducted every year so far, will be pursued for the next couple of years. We arrange treks, wildlife safari tours, bird watching camps, and adventure activities so that people across different walks of life get aware about environment conservation and develop liking for nature and wildlife.
This FONA movement was started in a village called Talegaon Dabhade in 1989-90 by seven founding members and now this has spread over Pune district in Maharashtra, India. Thousands of people have joined together for the noble cause promoted by FONA. The platform of FONA is open to all, to perform for the cause of environment conservation.
Friends Of Nature Association
Friends Of Nature Association 
Reg No. MH.4202000,Pune; B.T.A. No F-17507
Head Office:
“Nisarg Abhyasika”, Yashawant Nagar, Talegaon Dabhade (Pune) 410507.
President :
Mr. Amit Potdar    Voice (M): +91 9422328715
Founder President :
Mr. Mahesh Mahajan
Voice (M): +91 9822 458 440
Secretary : Miss Suparna Gaikwad
Voice (M): +91 9503140631   
Pune Branch: Mr. Pushkar Deshpande
Voice (M): +91 9822 058 386
Life membership is discontinued by FONA

OLD Information 1-3 years old below
Founder President :
Mr. Mahesh Mahajan
Voice (M): +91 9822 458 440
Secretary : Miss Suparna Gaikwad
Voice (M): +91 9503140631
Pune Branch: Mr. Pushkar Deshpande
Voice (M): +91 9822 058 386
1) Mandar Tharval 9922401793
2) Rohit Nagalgaon 8888075707
3) Mr. Manoj Rane 9689904863 / 9421004677 (Nigdi)
4) Amit Potdar 9021875940
5) Mahesh Mahajan 9822458440
6) Miss. Vidya 9765906880
7) Miss. Suparna 9503140631
FONA is a non profit making N.G.O. run by totally dedicated team of Nature lovers
Our Aim : Conservation of Wild Life & Nature
* Education to People, Students, Tribal.
* Legal process used to prevent damage to nature & animals.
* Development of habitats for wild species & providing them physical protection.
* Printing & publishing information & releasing educational CD’s.
Our Activities :
* Planning of Short out door treks/camps on self contribution basis(1-2 days)
* Planning of Wild-Safari tours at various forests(7-10 days)
* Wild life library having books on Wild Life, Wild Life Acts, Laws etc
* Free lectures & work shops.
* Providing “Platform” for youngsters to perform on conservation related activities.
Achievements :
1. We save @ 600~700 snakes every year & release them in to their natural habitat. Many Birds & Mammals are also rescued.
2. We conduct @ 50~100 free educational programs every year on various subjects like Birds, Snake, Mammals, Reptiles , Global worming, Rain water harvesting & Nature related subject etc. at School, Colleges, Tribal, Citizens.
3. We fight cases against illegal trades & practices eg Black buck poaching case-1999, Snake Skin scandal- 1999, Sloth Bear rescue-2000, Parakeet trading-2005
4. Built “Wild life library” (1600 Sq Ft constructed in 2007)
5. ‘Pakshi Vrundavan Prakalp’ is in progress.
6. All un-authorized Saw-mills of rural areas of Mawal, Chakan, Khed, Dehu Rd etc were spotted & MSEDCL was compelled to disconnect power supply to them & are now closed. Similar action is in progress for Pune city .

Schedule of Camp/Projects/Meetings :
* Local Trek 6 & 2 Snake release camps in a year.
* Lectures for Nature awareness in Schools, Colleges-& other places
* Monthly meeting is every First Sunday of every month at FONA site. 5.30 pm
Following information in the form of CD or book also available :
CD’s : Snakes Of India – Rs.50, Water Birds around us – Rs. 50.
Hand Books : Snakes – Rs. 40, Birds around us – Rs. 40

Operating Body : Year 2010-2012
President – Mr. Mandar Tharval.- 9922401793
Secretary – Miss Vidya Jadhav
Treasurer – Mrs. Mira Ramayane
Secretary Pune Branch – Mr. Pushkar Deshpande
Secretary Chakan Branch – Mr. Sonawane
Advisers – Dr. Shashank Ogale, Mr. Sudhir Raut, Mr. Hemant Bedekar & All Past Presidents
Founder Members :
Mahesh Mahajan – 9822458440
Sunil Godase
Amit Potdar
Ravindra Dharne
Mrs. Meera Mahajan
Rahul Magdum
Abhay Pavagi
Yearly Membership : The form will be issued after attending 3 monthly meetings. The membership fees are Rs 100/- per year.(Avery FONA activity will Inform by-mail or SMS)
Life Membership : The life membership fees are Rs15000/- & subject to condition of min 1 year active membership & subject to recommendations of three Founder/Life members & approval in BOD meeting, Gen body meeting.


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